June 2007 |
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Vol: 10.06 |
Publisher's Note: Our First Ezine. Quote of Month Churchill on Truth Questions How Much Protein?; Breast Feeding at Will; Coconut Oil; Water for Baby?; Chemicals on our Skins; Childhood Skin Problems; Sensitive Scalp; Boosting Vegetable Taste; Meal Idea: Peabody's Breakfast. Hints & Tips: Microwave OK for Brassicas; Doom Decided in the Womb: Pregnancy Weight Gain Decides Baby's Future Obesity. Diet in Pregnancy Decides Child's Asthma and Allergies. Second Guessing Nature Babies Overfed to Meet Flawed Ideal. Disease Connections: More Prostate Cancer Insights. Feedback Partner with Attitude. Deadly Harvest Plaudit: Kathy Wade Book Review: The Dig Tree, part VI. Laughter: Microsoft Haikus. | ||
Bond Effect The Bond Effect The Bond Effect |
Note Quote
of Month Questions Meal Idea Hints
& Tips Doom
Decided in the Womb Diet in Pregnancy Decides Child's Asthma and Allergies Second Guessing Nature Babies Overfed to Meet Flawed Ideal Disease
Connections Feedback Deadly
Harvest Plaudit Book
Review Laughter Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program |
Note We will continue to experiment and adapt the format as time goes by -- and as we receive your feed back. Let us know your thoughts! Write to us at: geoffbond@naturaleater.com Quote of the Month "Men occasionally stumble across the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as though nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill Questions A. Our ancient ancestors adapted us to consume about 25% protein-rich food to about 75% plant food (a ratio of 1 to 3). Put another way, research suggests about 0.36 g of protein per lb of bodyweight. That works out at 55g for a 150 lb person. But mark: that is pure protein. As for physical activity, that can play a role at the extremes. But only endurance athletes need to get into that kind of fine tuning. Chicken, fish and nuts Eggs Plant
Food That means only 45 g of pure protein needs to come from protein-rich foods. Conclusion? Yes, for a 150 lb person (for example) two portions of fish or chicken per day of about 3 to 4 oz each are fine. No need to be too precise. Just get used to eye-balling these quantities. See a more complete discussion in "Daily Protein Intake" in April 2006 Breast
Feeding at Will A. Listen to your instincts -- and your baby! All we know about our ancestral past indicates that babies should have access to the breast at all times. Modern hunter-gatherers do it, even chimpanzees and gorillas do it (Ref 2). That was the norm for eons of our evolutionary history, so we can be sure that our bodies -- and mentalities -- came to depend on it. Healthier
Mother and Child Night
Nursing Coconut
Oil Not so Great. A. In a word - "yes!" Coconut oil has been heavily promoted recently using junk arguments. Coconut oil is unusual in containing a high percentage of the fatty acid, "lauric acid". However, lauric acid is a saturated fat and has similar health harming properties as other ones. We wrote about coconut oil, coconut milk, etc. at greater length in News June 2006. AVOID. Chemicals
on our Skins A. In the great scheme of things, these chemicals are not our biggest worry. However, you are right to be alert to this question. Individually the chemical companies have shown these compounds to be safe in "normal" use. Even so, some sensitive people have a reaction to them. On the other hand some, like cinnamate (from cinnamon), are "good" micronutrients. Last month we talked approvingly about face creams that contain retinol (vitamin A). In such cases we want our skins to absorb the added compound! Cumulative
Effect Childhood
Skin Problems A. Almost certainly not. The verrucas are just warts on the sole of the foot. They are caused by a papilloma virus of the wart-causing variety. After a while his immune system will keep a lid on it, but it could break out from time to time. The ringworm (a fungal infection) is easily spread in changing rooms and in contact sports. Your health professional will have a handout on preventive measures (but don't stop your son playing football!). The same remarks go for the nail fungal infection. Water
for Baby? A. We begin by observing that ancient tribes (e.g. San Bushmen) who live in hot places like our ancestral homeland, do not give water to their young babies. Seemingly, women's bodies are designed to supply all the fluid necessary through breast feeding on demand. (See Breast Feeding at Will) Bottle
Feeding Makes for Bad Breast Feeding They point out that a baby must learn to suck from the breast, which is different to sucking from a bottle. The water flows freely out of a bottle, but a baby's jaw and tongue must work diligently to get milk out of a breast. Some babies give up. Others will develop a poor suck and don't get any milk; some learn faulty suck patterns which cause the mother to have sore nipples. Either way, they fail to stimulate the mother's milk supply. Nocturnal
Nursing Sensitive
Scalp A. We offer the following observation. Shampoo was unknown to our ancient ancestors. The natural state for our scalp is to be unwashed! At any rate, nature did not design our scalp to have its natural oils stripped out with detergent. Some people try not using shampoo at all. They simply rinse their hair regularly in water and then comb it or brush it out. In the first few weeks, the hair is unusually greasy. That is due to the oil glands working overtime to compensate for all the prior shampooing. Finally they slow down, hit an equilibrium and the scalp rediscovers its true health. The Westerners who do practice this behavior find that the rinsing, toweling dry, brushing and combing keep the hair clean enough. Boosting
Vegetable Taste A. We could take the hair-shirt attitude which says "yes, our ancestral food supply was on the whole bland and uninteresting - and we should just get used to it!" However, we do live in an age when wondrous herbs and spices are readily available. In addition, a good unfiltered olive oil can bring a pleasant nutty flavor to your vegetables and salads. In health food stores you can also find cold pressed unfiltered, organic Canola oil. If you are worried about weight gain, it is best to just use these oils in condiment quantities. Meal Idea Peabody's Breakfast While we were on the speaking tour in southern California, we enjoyed meals at Peabody's'. This is a casual restaurant in the center of Palm Springs (Palm Canyon Drive) owned and managed by Natural Eating enthusiast, Debbie Alexander. Debbie has introduced some conforming dishes to her menu which are proving to be very popular. Here is one of them: L.A. Mike Breakfast
This is a simple dish which assembles all the right ingredients. A good balance of protein-rich foods and plant food.
Hints & Tips Microwave OK for Brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage) Researchers at Warwick University, UK have investigated how cooking method destroys brassicas' wondrous, cancer-fighting compound called "glucosilonate" (Ref 7). Microwaving for 3 minutes gave no significant loss of glucosilonate. Steaming for 20 minutes and stir-frying for 5 minutes were equally good. However, up to 70% of goodness was lost when they boiled the vegetables for 30 minutes. Our View? If you can't eat your vegetables raw, then microwave (or steaming or stir fry) is fine. Avoid boiling for hours -- as was the habit in our grandparents' time! Organic Kiwi Better than Conventional Kiwis Dr Maria Amodio of UCDavies shows that organically grown kiwi fruit have higher levels of all kinds of great micronutrients (Ref 12). Levels of polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamin C and important minerals are all much better than in conventionally grown fruits. Even so, both types of kiwi are quite glycemic so we go easy on them. Doom Decided in the Womb Pregnancy Weight Gain Decides Baby's Future Obesity Dr Emily Oken of Harvard Medical School finds that women who plump up during pregnancy doom the child to struggle against obesity in later life (Ref 8). Worryingly, this applies even if the mother restricts the gain to that recommended by official guidelines. Dr Lucilla Poston of King's College, London says that mothers' gorging reprograms genes that control appetite in the fetus (Ref 9). Our View? Our ancestral mothers ate parsimoniously even when pregnant. Understandably, nature's programming goes awry when today's mothers allow themselves to plump up on on an uncontrolled appetite. Diet in Pregnancy Decides Child's Asthma and Allergies Women who eat apples and fish during pregnancy reduce the risk of their children developing asthma or allergic disease (Ref 10). Researcher Dr. Saskia Willers concludes that a mother's diet during pregnancy is more influential on a child's health than the child's own diet. Our View? Asthma and allergies are, in large part, deficiency diseases. It is a new and disturbing twist to discover that the pregnant mother's nutritional "sins" can irrevocably determine the health prospects of her child. Second Guessing Nature Babies Overfed to Meet Flawed Ideal Many new mothers come to dread the growth charts produced by baby clinics to check whether their baby is gaining weight properly. Now research confirms what many mothers have long suspected: the charts wrongly classify lean but healthy babies as under- weight (Ref 11). Worse, by encouraging mothers to overfeed their babies, the charts are setting perfectly healthy children on the road to obesity. What went wrong? These 30-year-old charts are based on babies that were atypically heavy: almost all of them had been bottle-fed and came from white, middle-class families in Ohio. Our View? Two generations of mothers have been bullied by health visitors working unthinkingly to artificial charts to overfeed their babies. Now we are seeing the consequence in a youth population unable to repress its obesity. But we rejoice that at last the role of nature as guide is now recognized. See also "Breast Feeding at Will" earlier.
Disease Connections More Prostate Cancer Insights Sometimes a man gets prostate cancer in spite of all the precautions. There can be several reasons. One is that his lifestyle habits in the early part of his life has programmed him with a much higher risk whatever he does. Another is if he carries genes that make him more vulnerable. For example, researchers at USC have identified a cluster of genes that increase the risk five-fold (Ref 13). Broccoli
Again Heavy
Multivitamin Use Makes it Worse Our View? Sometimes we have an uphill struggle to fight against our inheritance. From our mother's lifestyle while we are fetuses to how we lived the early part of our lives can all deal us a bad hand. But there is hope. We stack the deck of cards in our favor, live our lives in the best cancer-fighting mode we know (See www.beatcancernaturally.com), and hope for the best.
Feedback "Your
response has been a great help. I think I always have this problem of
subconsciously expecting everyone else to change their attitudes just
because I have; and your response helped me to see my own prejudices a bit
more clearly. I’ve gone from just over 14 stone (196 lb) to 12 stone 9
(177 lb) in three
months; and rather than nagging her to do more I really should lead by
example... Your words all make sense. "The last few times she cooked for me she actually skipped the
spuds [potatoes], which
was great even if she is still eating them herself. She doesn’t even ask
me if I want fizzy drinks, sugar, bread, sweets, milk anymore. "Now
we have an unwritten compromise: if we eat at
home I only touch the good stuff, but if we eat out I’m slightly less
strict. Not perfect, but considering that about 90% of my diet
is natural I don’t think I’m doing too badly." Deadly Harvest Plaudit "I have to congratulate you for a well written and interesting book. Most books of that nature are boring, but not yours, it moves the reader along and can be called a page turner." - Kathy Wade, Rancho Mirage, CA Geoff's
Review of Books We will finish the Dig Tree review in our next newsletter. For those who cannot wait, the full reviews are available on www.TheBondEffect.com or on Amazon: click on this direct link. Laughter
the Best Medicine |
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program |
FOOTNOTES 3. Trichopoulos, D. What Causes Cancer?; Sci Am 275:3 (1996): 80-87. BACK 4. Gussler, J.D. and Briesemeister, L.H. The insufficient milk syndrome: a biocultural explanation. Med Anthropology 1980 (spring); 4(2):145-74. BACK 5. Zimmerman DR; Mothers who formula feed do know that "breast is best'': education is not enough. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1996: 150(4). BACK 6. McKenna JJ. 1997. Culture, infant sleep, and SIDS: An experiment in evolutionary medicine. American Journal of Human Biology 9:146-146. BACK 7. Song L, Thornalley PJ. Effect of storage, processing and cooking on glucosinolate content of Brassica vegetables.Food Chem Toxicol. 2007 Feb;45(2):216-24. Epub 2006 Aug 30. PMID: 17011103. BACK 8.
Oken E, Taveras EM, Kleinman KP, Rich-Edwards JW, Gillman MW. 9. Nathanielsz PW, Poston L, Taylor PD. In utero exposure to maternal obesity and diabetes: animal models that identify and characterize implications for future health. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2007 Jun;34(2):201-12.PMID: 17572267. BACK 10. Willers SM; Maternal Food Consumption During Pregnancy and Asthma, Respiratory and Atopic Disease in 5-year-old Children. Thorax; in press. Presented at the American Thoracic Society 2007 International Conference, May 20, 2007. BACK 11. Koletzko, B; Conference on the impact of infant and maternal nutrition on childhood obesity; Budapest, Hungary, 20 April, 2007. BACK 12. Gauthier, C; Society of Chemical Industry; http://www.soci.org/SCI/general/2007/html/ge608.jsp . BACK 13. Haiman, CA; Multiple regions within 8q24 independently affect risk for prostate cancer; Nat Genet. 2007 May;39(5):638-44. Epub 2007 Apr 1. BACK 14. Myzak MC; Sulforaphane retards the growth of human PC-3 xenografts and inhibits HDAC activity in human subjects. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2007 Feb;232(2):227-34. PMID: 17259330. BACK 15. Lawson KA; Multivitamin use and risk of prostate cancer in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study; J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 May 16;99(10):754-64. BACK |
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Natural Eating Co Ltd 55, Griva Digeni St, Suite 73, 8220 Chloraka, Cyprus Skype: gvlbond mob: +357 99 45 24 68 |