Nutritional Anthropology

The Bond Effect
The science and art of living the way nature intended

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Geoff Bond

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January 2003
Breaking News: Dr Stec Talk Show; Valentine Heart Talk. Cookbook: It’s your life! by Connie Schober. Ancient Heritage: Earthworms of the Amazon. Recipe: Pollo Tonnato. Q&A: Amaranth/Quinoa; Rye Bread; Young Multiple Sclerosis. Food/Disease: Multiple Sclerosis. Food Policy: Restaurant Labeling. Fast Food Updates: McDonald’s Fat-suit Reprieve. Cheese Restraint. Breast Cancer Briefing: part IV. Food to Live For: Elk Fatty Acids. Food To Die For: Kroger Dairy Onslaught. Gullibility: Menopause Snake-oil. Tailpiece: Carrefour’s snakes and turtles.
February 2003
TV Report: Dr Stec. Breaking News: New Bond Book. Buyer Beware: Siren Songs. Talk Report: Heart Institute. Recipe: Orange Cake. Q&A: Vegetarian Humans?; Stevia Update; Tea Essence for the Heart; Preservatives and Heart Health. Food/Disease: Cooking Inflames Arteries; Silicon/ Bone Health. Fast Food: McDonald’s Organic Milk. Breast Cancer Briefing: The Bottom Line. Kiddy Corner: Painless Colicky Babies. News Flashes: Seminal Vesicle Diet Clue; Wine/Beer/Dementia; Jogging/Dementia; Young/Old Obesity cuts lifespan. Tailpiece: Inactive Youth.
March 2003
Success Story: The Hansons. Tip of the Month: Assert Yourself. Cassandra: Health Care Time Bomb. Russian Edition: Airis Press. Recipe: Asparagus Soup. Q&A: Maltitol Chocolate; Thyroid Malfunction; Leaky Gut; Food/Disease: Blood Sugar/Alzheimer’s; Gluten Disease. Fast Food: McDonald’s Fruit. Cancer Briefing: Colon Cancer Part 1. Human Heritage: Daddy Genghis Khan. Policy: Sugar Guidelines; Antibiotic Resistance. Buyer Beware: Wall’s Solero Getfruit! Propaganda: False Memories; Pester Power. Events
April 2003
Quote: Cancer/Diet malpractice. Newsletter: 5th anniversary. Parents Beware: Food Gimmicks. Human Heritage: Bushmen. Recipe: Endive/Shrimp Salad. Q&A: Cranberry; Almond Powder; Coconut Oil Again; Soymilk vs. Almond Milk. Food/Disease: Soy Formula/Peanut Allergy; Dairy/Parkinson. Colon Cancer Briefing: part 2. Food Policy: Glycemic Load; Prescription Shopping; Chicken Adulteration; Cow Mutant Cheese. Population Policy: USA too crowded? Events
May 2003
Success: Sue Dyrness. Buyer Beware: A Fool and his Money… Ethnic Foods: Potato Poisons. Recipe: Mock Cheese Cake. Q&A: Contaminated Fish Oils; Benefits of Fasting; Almond Milk Again; Primrose Oil Confusion. Food Disease: Degenerative Disease/Plant Flavonoids; Diet/Parkinson’s. Misleading Media: Fruit/Parkinson’s. Parents Beware: Cadbury’s Sneaky Promotion. Colon Cancer Briefing: Part 3. Labeling Honesty: Dyed Salmon. Food Policy: Offensive Sugar Lobby. Events
June 2003
Success: Ann. Cartoon:  Wealth Warning. Quote: Health the greatest good. Ethnic foods: Two-faced Quinoa and Amaranth. Recipe: Juicy Orange Chicken. Q&A: Farmed Salmon; Alarmist BBC on Fresh Produce; Rat Crowding; Peeling Fruit? Quick Fix: Grilled Zucchini. Cancer Briefing: Colon Cancer Part 4. Food Strategies: Dangers of Stressed Shopping. Hints & Tips: Brain training. Food Supply: Disappearing Fish. Food/Disease Links: Coffee/Obesity/Diabetes. Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Chilies/Indigestion/IBS/GER. Afterword: Pallid Tennis Ladies. Developments: Residential Courses; Bulletin Board; Sound Archive.
July 2003
Success: Dan Hazlett. Human Potential: Aged Marathon Runner. Breaking News: Russian Edition. Quote: Too Fat for CAT. Behavioral Anthropology: Mood Sweetener. Recipe: Devilled Strawberries. Q&A: Healthy Tea; Poultry Liver. News Shorts: Tea Boosts Immune System; Diabetic Time Bomb; Child Diabetic Unsightliness. Cancer Briefing: Colon Cancer part 5. Nutritional Anthropology: Cannibalism. Food Supply: Misleading Meat Labels; Donkey Salami; Food Purity. Disease Links: Low Potassium/Stroke. Rant of the Month:  McKeith’s “Living Food Energy”. Siren Song: Drugged on Ritalin.
August 2003
Success Story: Weight and Blood Pressure. Serendipity: Gum Disease Banished. Diet Muddle: Atkins Confusion. International: Russian Edition. Q. of Month: Mineral Water Minerals. Recipes: Swordfish on Fennel Bed. Q&A: Atkins Briefing; Atkins vs. Natural Eating; Salmon PCB’s; Soft Water Drinking; Benefits of Decaf Tea; News Shorts: Senseless on Water; Soy Bad for Babies. Cancer Briefing: Colon Cancer Part 5. Food Policy: Free Range Briefing. Lifestyle/Disease Links: Prostate: Use it or Lose it. Hints: Comfort Eating. Myths and Fallacies: Dietary Cholesterol. Buyer Beware: FDA’s Food Health Claims; Walnuts Get Approval. Tips: Crushing Nuts.
September 2003
International: Russian Edition. Q of Month: Transfat Labeling. Serendipity: Vanishing Warts. Myths: Fitness for Cancer. New Resources: Audio Cassettes. Shorts: Online Testimonials; Low Sugar Beer. 50 Years Ago: Sugar Rations. Q&A: Defining Health; Birmingham Diet; Restaurant Fat; Citric Acid; Ghee (Butterfat); Carrageenan, Slow Cooking. Food Diversity: Dr Nöll’s Wild Plants. Cancer Briefing: Colon 6th and Final Part. Food Policy: New Transfat Labels. Hints: Doggy Bag Strategy. Tips: Raw Gherkin Snack. Tailpiece: French Meals.

October 2003

Ancient Heritage: Sunshine as Food. Prioritizing: Know your Achilles Heel. Q. of Month: Pumpkin Seed Oil. Ancient Knowledge: San Herbs Pay Out. Reader’s Menu Ideas: June Mohns ’ Starters. Q&A: Agave Syrup, Cocoa Fattening, Veggie Wash , Diet/Periodontal Disease, Vitamin A overdose. From 5 years Ago: Milk as Condiment. Food Policy: Report Card: F for Fatness, UK Public Against GM. Eating Strategies: Eyeball Portions. Hints: Oil and Water Roasting. Buyer Beware: Nestlé Mineral Waters. Baby Welfare: Cereal Wean for Diabetes, Gluten Wean for Diabetes, Soy Formula for Immune Crash. Tailpiece: Students Die by Degrees?


November 2003

Success Story : Don Foust . Seasonal Relief: Christmas Present Ideas, Prioritizing: Sugar Holocaust. Briefing: Aspartame Quandary. New Service: Message Board. Cooking Quick Fix: Oil and Steam Stir-Fry. Q&A: Metabolic Diet; Toxic Nightshades; Cocoa Butter; Human Biting Power; Jerusalem Artichokes; Tiger Nuts; Lactose Tolerance; Canola Savvy; Pumpkin Caution. 5 Years Ago: Potato Savvy. Food Labels: “Low Fat” Fraudster Jailed; Monsanto Opposes “Hormone Free” Label; Food Makers Oppose “Transfat” labeling. Hints: Ripening Persimmons. Tailpiece: Man Survives 99 year Jail Sentence. Event.


December 2003

Success Story : Website Award. Q of Month: Plant Food in Pregnancy. Health Stewardship: In Good Shape to the End. Avant-garde Restaurant: Peabody ’s. Happy Consequences: Strong Bladder. Recipe: Bond Cookies. Q & A: Which Fish Farmed?, Pregnancy and Fish, Eggs don’t Constipate, Dr. Mercola , Diabetes in Pregnancy. 5 Years ago: Butterfat Lives On. Food Safety: Soy Zaps Female Sex Drive . Buyer Beware: School Sausage. Manipulation of the Masses. Myths and Fallacies: Asian Soy Consumption. Hints and Tips: Breakfast - Yes, Hearty -- No. Food Policy: Tesco rejects Obesity Plan, Asda may fight Pester Power. Unexpected Consequences: Atkins ’ Products Self-defeating. Opinion: Flu vaccine.


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