Surprising Secrets: Potbelly
Inflammation. Savvy Insights: Slim People Might Not Be as Healthy
as They Appear. Free to be Human: Docs – Sleep Evaluation
Vital. Deadly Harvest: Pre-Orders. Recipe: Chocolate Petit
Four. Q&A: Chocolate; Sleepless Baby; B12 Deficiency; Seaweed
and B12; Gorilla and B12; Poppy Seed Oil; Kidney Stones. Food-Disease
Links: Cellulite. Hints & Tips: To Lose Weight, Slow
Down. Editorial: Human Brain and Behavior. Latest News: Sugar/Pancreatic
Cancer; Short, Intense Exercise; Wherefore Green Eyes. Laughter: Back
Seat Driving. Events.
Social Anthropology: Male
Sexual Jealousy. New Book: Deadly Harvest Available Soon. Quote
of Month: Slimming the 3rd World Way. Make-Over: The Bond
Effect. Social Anthropology: Blue Eyes and Paternity. Recipe: Hunter’s
Goat Stew (II). Q&A: Mad Cow Disease Dormant. Case Notes:
Natural Eater and Colic. Food/Disease Links: Macular Degeneration
(2). Human Pedigree: Neanderthal Genes Update. Good to Know:
Vitamin C in a Nutshell (3). Food Politics: ‘Merde’ in our
Plates. Latest News: Bread/Kidney Cancer Link; Wheat
Gluten/Dementia Link; Calcium Tablets Don’t Prevent Children’s Bone
Fractures; Cola Rots Older Women’s Bones; Brain’s Antioxidant
Defense. Hints & Tips: Work on the eating Clues. Laughter:
Blonde Rapid Transit.
Social Anthropology: Ramadan
& Fasting. Food Safety: Corn-feed upsets Cows and Us. Food
Policy: Campaign against Sneaky Oil. Q of Month: Our Pedigree
- No Neanderthals. New Book: Ready in Feb 2007. Recipe:
Hunter’s Goat Stew (1). Q&A: Mixed Nuts & Seeds; What
Seed Variety; Sulfites for Gut Problems; Nuts & Other Oil; Cinnamon
not Toxic; Vegan: Subs for Animal Flesh. Case Notes: Natural
Eater with Uric Acid. Chart: Human Pedigree Food/Disease
Links: Macular Degeneration. Human Heritage: Landscape for Mood. Food
Policy: Health Warning for Milk? Good to Know: Vitamin C (2).
Chuckle: Family Values.
Q of Month (1): Upsets
can have many Causes. Recipe Photo:
Zucchini Dug-outs. New Book : Foretaste.
Q of Month (2) : Vitamin C – How Much ?. Quote: Orwell
- Prescient about Processed. Recipe: Zucchini Dug-out. Q &
A: Vitamin C and Colds; Raw Foods and Seeds. Food Disease Links: Candida,
Candidiasis. Good to Know: Vitamin C in a Nutshell (1). New
Book – What they Say: Rita Stec, M.D.
Food/Disease Links: Magnesium Deficiency/
Diabetes. Laughter the Best Medicine: Water into Wine.
Q of Month:
Omega-3 with Everything. New Book Title: Deadly Harvest. Human
Heritage: Masculinity and Mating Strategy. Food Marketing to
Kids: It’s all Junk; Insidious Internet Game Ploys. Thought of
the Month: Struggle for life -- Gazelle and Lion. Food
Ideas: Roast Fowl with Vegetables. Q&A: Vitritis –
Eyeball Inflammation; Omega Oil: Snake Oil. Sucralose – Insulin
Raising?; Menopause; Keep Tooth Enamel Healthy; Food/Disease Links:
Premenstrual Tension – PMT-H. Letters: Altman -- Shed Drugs,
Shed Weight. New Book – What they Say: Dr Günter Nöll. News
Short: Scientific Journal Cleans up Sleaze; New Kid on the Block –
Salvestrol. Laughter: Count the Diners. Events.
Human Heritage:
Babies – To Cry or not to Cry? Human Senses: Being Watched. Quote
of the Month: Mencken – Politics is Hobgoblins. The Month in
the News: Gut’s-ache Flora; Our Aggressive Cousins; Stone Age
Aggression; Equivocating Supplements; Moms’ Porky Denial;
Pesticide/Parkinson’s Link. Recipe: Nicole’s Fruit Pie. Q
& A: Prostate and Pomegranate; Vegan Food Poisoning.
Food/Disease Links: Premenstrual Tension; Prostate Cancer.
Letters: Natural Eating Diploma Needed. Food Safety: The
Trouble with Soy (3). New Generation Hope: Alexandre to Have
Sibling. Unintended Consequences: Supplements and Epigenetics -
Sins of Mother Visited on Sons. Public Event: Rancho Mirage
next February/March. Food Politics: Inventing Mental Disease –
IEAD. New Book: What they Say. Laughter: Blue Nun.
Letters: All
Paths Lead to Natural Eating. Quote: The Biter Bit. Party
Ideas: Ziploc Omelets. Stop Press: Latest Book on its Way.
Q of Month: Malformed Tooth Enamel. Recipe: Curry Stir-Fry
Chicken Breast. Q&A: Stevia “Natural” Sweetener; Coconut
Oil; Eggs, Nuts and Bone Health; Vitamin K, Beta Carotene and
Precursors; Fat Substitute Olestra; Flax-seed oil – Oxidation?
Flax-seed Oil for the Vegan; Omega-3: Plant vs. Fish. Food Policy: The
Trouble with Soy (2). Food/Disease Links: Erectile Dysfunction
(Impotence). Laughter the Best Medicine.
Human Heritage: The
Trouble With Soy (1). Human Nature: How to Spot a Rich Man. Chuckle
With Message: Woman’s Annual Physical Exam; Obese People Don’t
Know It. Quote of the Month: Extraordinary Popular Delusions.
Recipe: Strawberry Mousse. Q&A: Gout; Food as
Conviviality; Endurance Energy Bars. Letters: Yogurt, pizza,
Gender Politics. Being Human: Defecation Dynamics. Food
Policy: Aspartame Cancer Clearance. Human Food: Eggs are
Great Human Food; [sidebar] Multiple Personality Cholesterol. Food/Disease
Links: Obesity/Prostate; Menopausal Dry-eye/Omega-6. Human
Society: Alpha-male Police
Human Heritage: Policing the
Forager Band. Legacy Foods: Medlar Fruit. Food Policy: Soy
Health Claims Nixed. Quotation: Manipulating the Masses’ Mass. Recipe:
Onion Indulgence. Q&A: Osteoporosis Drugs; Daily Protein
Intake; Weaning from Dairy Products; Goats’ Milk; Conserving Fish Oil.
Letters: Natural Eating – Humbug-Free Information; Vegetable Soup
Safely Cooked. Editorial: Humbug-free Information. Hints &
Tips: Eggs – Keep Cool not Cold; Eggs – Cage-free. Human
Nature: Cheats – Revenge or Compassion. Being Human:
Exercise adds 3 Years of Life.
Food Policy:
Guidelines: Cut Back on Soda. Human Heritage: Blondes got the
Blokes; Family Meals Beat Obesity. Lifestyle/Disease Links: Doomed
in the Womb – low sunshine, low bone health; Bully Victims – Brain
Changes. Breaking News: Book Manuscript Finished. Recipe: Nicole’s
Pizza. Q&A: Carrot Glycemic Index; The Yogurt Deception;
Labels – and Nuts in Chocolate; What is a Stitch?; Creatine and
Shriveled Leg. Letters: Party Favors; Rapeseed Unjustly Vilified.
Fascinating and Important: Healthy Colon Briefing (6). Hints
and Tips: Eggplant Dip. Human Heritage: Why Women Needed a
Man. Events.
Emulating the Savanna Model: Roadkill
Recycled. Ignoring the Savanna Model: Killed by Bread and Fries.
Chuckle. Evolutionary Weaning: Conventional Advice is Flawed. Success
Stories: PMS Migraine Gone. TYMBI: Magnetic Bracelets Don’t
Work. Odd But True: Farmed Fish Deplete Wild Stocks. Recipe: Banana
Pancake. Q&A: Urine Color; Acne and Lifestyle.
Food/Ailment Connection: Menstrual Cramps and Pain. Fascinating
and Important: Colon Briefing (6). Mind Body Connection:
Hunger Helps Mental Agility. Food/Disease Connection: Low
Calories Keep Heart Young. Editorial: Our Scott Martin Dilemma. Human
Heritage: Origins of Warfare (5).
Human Values:
Gift-Giving. Human Zoo: Lightness of Being. Savanna Lifestyle:
Night Light and Cancers. Chuckle. Recipes: Cinnamon and Apple
Tart. Q & A: Inflammation and Anemia. Fascinating and
Important: Healthy Colon Briefing (5). Medical Politics: Big
Pharma Disease Mongering. Buyer Beware: GMO Omega-6 for
Trans-fat. Mind-Body Connection: Marital Squabbles Harm Health.
Food Honesty: Glycemic Index Labels; FDA Nixes Tomato
Cancer Claim. Human Heritage: Origins of Warfare (4).
Evolutionary Psychology: Glass Walls of the Mind.