Nutritional Anthropology

The Bond Effect
The science and art of living the way nature intended

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Nutritional Anthropology's Bible:



Geoff Bond

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Healthy Harvest Information Page

Snapshot-2018-08.png (58584 bytes) #BondBriefing: Aug 2018 

9. Sunlight, not Vitamin D, Protects Brain Health

It describes a study which finds that mysterious processes induced by UV (sunlight) are essential for brain health

Snapshot-2018-08.png (58584 bytes) #BondBriefing: July 2018: 

8. Social Bonding & Soccer Violence 

This article argues that young males are programmed by evolution to feel strong emotional attachment to the Group and to defend it at all costs from out-groups

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#BondBriefing 10 Years Ago; Aug 2008

7. Docs: Sunshine is not the Cause of Melanoma

Describes the controversy in the medical profession where sunshine, after all, is not a significant cause of melanoma. On the contrary, sunshine is a vital element in human nutrition.

Thumbnail Evolutionary Medical Anthropology: 
6. Naturally Adapted Physical Activity Patterns

Geoff Bond describes how a certain type of physical activity was always present in our evolutionary past such that the body came to rely on it being there. If it isn't we suffer 'physical activity starvation' and things go wrong.

Thumbnail Evolutionary Medical Anthropology:
5. Sunshine is Vital Human Food

Geoff Bond explains how sunshine was ever-present during our evolutionary past, and that our bodies came to depend on it. The recent demonization of sunshine is misguided. Westerners are now suffering the consequences of severe sunshine starvation.


Evolutionary Medical Anthropology: 
4. Evolutionary Lifestyle Pattern

Geoff Bond gives a brief overview of how our Pleistocene ancestors used to live during our evolutionarily formative epoch.


Evolutionary Medical Anthropology: 
3. Forager Health vs Western Health

Geoff Bond speaks on diseases of civilization and compares forager health to the health of modern industrialized societies.


Evolutionary Medical Anthropology: 
2. Humanity's Naturally Adapted Origins

In this module Geoff Bond talks about humanity's 'recent' exodus from Africa and why it is important to us today.


Evolutionary Medical Anthropology: 
1. Introduction

Evolutionary anthropologist Geoff Bond introduces a series of 5 to 10 minute video shorts for medical students and the interested general public. They are done on behalf of, a quirkily named (!) web platform for medical students.

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Indigestible Fiber

Geoff talks about the huge amounts of stringy fiber in the forager diet, how we know, and why it matters that we don't do it any more. See also: Bond Briefing August 2011

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Why Seniors Break Their Hips!

Humorous clips of oldies unwisely attempting activities demanding agility beyond their abilities.


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